I have no mouth and i must scream am radlands
I have no mouth and i must scream am radlands

i have no mouth and i must scream am radlands

Blanche makes every boy fall for her and she has the fearless tenacity to back it up. She excels at one liners (well, not to brag), and she’s driven by a need for attention, which, the test informs me, is why I’m always late.

i have no mouth and i must scream am radlands

The description goes on to explain to me the qualities of Blanche, which I already know because I watch The Golden Girls every night as a pacifier to insomnia. “You are Blanche!” “Blanche!” I scream at my phone at one a.m. The results are in and I don’t even have to look at the screen but I do. The quiz is over and I have answered every question to the best of my ability the little spinny thing moves in circles and the test is calculating. So I already know what the test results will be. “Which Golden Girl are you?” I have always maintained that I was Dorothy and I would punch someone’s heart out if they disagreed. Social media sites are the perfect place to seek knowledge and enlightenment-right? This exploration began as an innocent Facebook quiz several hours after my planned bedtime, and it was a doozie. I’ve discovered a whole world of quizzes on the interwebs. As they say, rehab is for quitters and I am no quitter! I have nursed at the teat of the most omnipotent place in the universe. I have mined the wells of my soul and gone to the deepest and most powerful source. In an effort to know myself, I have taken every step to ground myself and seek deep spiritual knowledge. But who am I? Without my best friend and husband, who am I?

i have no mouth and i must scream am radlands

I know that I’m a widow, a word I have grown to hate. I know I’m a woman in love with several men. Photo By Gina Easley By Tanisha Wallace Porath

I have no mouth and i must scream am radlands